lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020


 Unknown words 

Word: Brick (noun, verb) 

Pronunciation: /brɪk/

Meaning: Ladrillo

Sentence: She could see the side of the brick hose next to her building


1.       I am going to buy many bricks because I am going to build a big house.

2.       Juan needs a brick to complete his stairs.

3.      Bricks are too expensive now.

Word:  Carriage (noun) 

Pronunciation: /ˈkarɪdʒ/

Meaning: Carruaje

Sentence: But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages at her funeral


1.     Carla has a black carriage and she wants to paint it pink.

2.     The David´s carriage is bad.

3.     Oscar wants to buy a carriage because he likes to collect them.


Word: Magazine (noun) 

Pronunciation: mag-uh-zeen

Meaning: Revista

Sentence: She began making a pen and ink drawing for a story in a magazine


1.     My sister is the cover of a very important magazine.

2.     Ana buys the magazine before starting his work.

3.     Carlos is the writer of HELLO magazine.

Word:  Empty (adjective, verb, noun) 

Pronunciation: /ˈɛm(p)ti/

Meaning: Vacio 

Sentence: There was only an empty yard and the blank side of the house seven meters away


1.       I have a new and big room but it is empty yet.

2.       My sister found his bag but it was empty.

3.      I went to look for my friend at his house but the house was empty.


Word:  Failure (noun) 

Pronunciation: /ˈfeɪljə/

Meaning: Fracaso

Sentence: Behrman was a failure in art. 


1.      I am afraid of failure but I work so that doesn`t happen.

2.    My sister told me that she has a new project and she does not know the word failure.

3.    I think failure is just a mental thing, if you say “I can do it” you can do it.

Word: Fierce (adjective, adverb) 

Pronunciation: /fɪəs/

Meaning: Feroz

Sentence: He was a fierce, little, old man who protected the two young women in the studio apartment above him. 


1.      My aunt has a fierce cat.

2.      Lions are very fierce and strong. 

3.     Dogs are not fierce, they are friendlier. 

Word:  Foolishness (noun) 

Pronunciation: /ˈfuːlɪʃnəs/

Meaning: Tonteria

Sentence: Are there people in the world with the foolishness to die because leaves drop off a vine?  


1.      My little son has the foolishness to want a toy when we going to do the shopping.

2.      I have the foolishness of using only black t-shirts. 

3.     My sister has the foolishness to buy make up every weekend. 

Word: Weak (adjective, noun) 

Pronunciation: /wiːk/

Meaning: Debil

Sentence: "She is very sick and weak," said Sue


1.       When I was a kid I used to be weak but I am stronger now.

2.       The chair of my teacher is very weak. 

3.      My hair is straight and strong but it is so weak now. 

Word:  Ladder (noun, verb) 

Pronunciation: /ˈladə/

Meaning: Escalera 

Sentence: And they found a ladder that had been moved from its place


1.       At the Picacho are many ladders  and a beautiful view of the city.

2.       I don’t like mechanic ladders because are unsafe. 

3.      I have a special ladder to work inside the house.